
Edupassion Edupassion is an event in my school, in Senior Highschool 3 at Belitung street number 8. This event is annual event for students to make easier us to choose our college after graduating and to know about our passion in some lessons. For example, if you like biology, math, chemistry you have to considering to enter medical school to be a doctor and anything else. There are several types of booths that include well-known universities around Bandung, for example there are Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjadjaran, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Institute of Technology) etc. In this place, there also have many food and drink booths between the universities booths . students are required to buy food and drinks using money that has been exchanged first. The money can be exchanged to a money changer post not far from the food and drink booths . During Edupassion I visited a several of booths that ...