On September 21 - 23 we did LDKS or it called basic training student leadership which are held by SMAN 3 Bandung and is mandatory for all class 10. There is also some seniors who attend in this event because of last year they didn't attend this event. This LDKS was implemented in Pursenif TNI AD which located in Supratman street. This event is really useful for us because we educated for more discipline, and we fixed our character so that we have a good manner.

This event held in one day, at 7 am in the morning all students was already gathered in the field, so many students who brought suitcase and backpack. We were brought equipment which had told by our teacher a few days ago like PDL pants, uniform, blue plain shirt, black plain shirt, pajamas, toiletries, etc. Then we doing march immediately and held the opening ceremony in main field, after that we rushed to the hall were the materials were given by the soldiers and started to look for a seat that had been prepared.

A few hours later before prayed dzuhur, we moved to the back hall and got ready got lunch. Some soldier distributed food for us, in that time, we were trained how to eat with good manner, after that we gathered again in the field by brought our equipment to go to the barrack. In that time we divided into several group to occupied the barrack. In short, we were doing activities with our spirit. Suddenly the sky turned dark. Our last activity in that day is gave material. After we finished it, we make a line to go to barrack. In barrack we're had given change to cleaned up. But in our oppinion, we're just given less time to clean up, seen in our amount and there was just a bit toilet which can our used it. After that we hurried up to went to barrack and took a sleep

But suddenly there was a soldier who was going in and to waked ours up with the siren. We were got up and went out to the field. We were so startled and confused because the sky still dark. After a while we conscious that time is in the middle night. The soldier spoke that who didn't wear a right clothes or who didn't brought complete compliance would got a punished which like push up, sit up, etc. In the ground we had told by soldiers to lied down. When we looked up there was so many stars in the sky, its really wonderful. It make us felt so calmed, supported by the fresh air. After that we went to our each barrack to changed our clothes and soon went to mosque to prayed tahajud.

The next day after we cleaned up ourselves and prayed, we practiced to did a ceremony in the field and we learnt about how to created a good line. In the evening we were went to Makam Pahlawan the place to held 'jurit malam'. Every each other had to brought two candles from barrack to used it in that place. We reached Makam Pahlawan by walked about a fifteen minutes more, and i thought that some distance away. In that place we had gave a paper that was written news that must our remembered and that news must didn't known by others who in the area of Makam Pahlawan. So we had to kept that secret. We divided into several groups, in one groups there was three members. We entered that place one by one group. In the tomb of heroes there was some post as a stop and we were given various tasks like took a paper above the grave, or guessed something. Finally we can reached end of that place and told the soldier about the news, we were given something called 'bratawali'. It is a medicine and we were told to eat it, and the taste is really bitter. We had to held it for a few minutes we could take it out. After we all entered Makam Pahlawan, we formed a circle and started the reflection. The candles was lit. At 2 am we went back by walked. When we arrived, we changed the clothes and slept immediately.

In the last day, we played various outbound arena like threw a knife into the wood, walked on a rope, climbed the rope etc. After that we went to the mosque to prayed dzuhur, also we had lunch while we watching G30SPKI. The last activity was the closing ceremony, this ceremony had been watched by many parents who wanted to picked up they son. Finally the ceremony was done, we were took an equipment we had brought before and went home soon. This is a precious moment that can't be forgotten.


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