Bakti Desa

    Bakti Desa

     Bakdes or bakti desa is a social event held from school for 11th grade students of SMAN 3 Bandung. We implement bakdes in 3 days and 2 nights on the day of  Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on the 3rd, 4th and 5th January 2019. Bakdes in our class will be held in Cibeureum Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency. Before carrying out thissocial event, We were divided into several groups from each class consisting of 4 people, each group had to make a report on one of the problems in Cibeureum Village or even the social-cultural phenomena in their daily lives in the village. I got group 7 with my friend, Annisa Eka, Amalia, and Ratu. This divided group will stay in their foster parents' homes.

     In this village activity we bring equipment such as prayer equipment, toiletries, personal medicines, socks, jackets, flashlights, training pants, shoes, hats, and raincoats. We also carry items and materials that will be distributed to residents, 5 packs of noodles, 2 pieces of free clothes, 2 kg of rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 1 kg of sugar, 1 pack small malkist Roma cake, and used elementary school textbooks Junior High School / High School / Senior High School 2 books. Finally we left school on Thursday, January 3 at 6 am with transportation provided by the school. From school to Cibeureum village, it was quite far and spent hours. There we finally met our foster parents and we helped our foster parents who work in the garden. We help pull out the grass from the grass that grows around the plant, we also help other people like feeding goats and cows. After the work assigned to us was finished we decided to go around the countryside and enjoy the cool air there and also the natural scenery of trees and mountains. Not forgetting, we also gave basic needs to our foster parents and residents in those who lived around the area. Finally we returned from Cibeureum Village on Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 3 pm. This Social Event is one of my unforgettable experiences.


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