Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter

To : UNPAD Admissions Commite

I am writing a letter on behalf of Salsabila Zahra, Senior High School 3 Bandung who is applying for Medical School UNPAD. I have known her for almost 2 years since we were in 10th grade. I have had the pleasure of supervising her as being her friend. Salsa is 11th grade student of SMAN 3 Bandung.

Salsabila is a calm person and can solve many problems calmly and patiently even though she is in a chaotic situation. She got it from her environment and also as her grew older. She is also a loyal person, especially with her close friends. She really trust and love her friends because their really meaningful and she always forgive people who made mistake to her. Another her strengths is that she is an agile and fast person as in doing her assignments. For example if the teacher gives us an assignment, he will immediately do it, and he won't stop until he can finish it.

She has told me that she wants to continue her study in Medical School at UNPAD to learn more about  medical along with his interest. I hope all her dreams come true. I highly recommended Salsa for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.

Zahrani Qolbi Khairunnisa


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